Sunday, November 14, 2010

Fin Nippers Pt 2

It has been 2 weeks now since I brought home my Serpae Tetras. Reports says they are fin nippers. The first few days with them in my tank, my Zebra Danios had bites take out of their tail fins. It was of course easy to blame the Tetras but I have not actually seen them interact with the Danios. The Danios seemed to be more aggressive towards each other though. So it made me think but still have not figured out who the real culprit is.
Best pic I could get to make a point on both above and below paragraphs. Shooting fish is hard.

But now... a pleasant turn of events seems to have taken place. the fish have learned to live together. Still no obvious interaction between the two kinds that much hasn't changed. The difference now is my Danios tails are healing and looking like normal.

So in conclusion I am going to say that fin nipping does take place but with the right tank mates will stop in time

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