Ok, I said I wouldn't add 3 fish at once again. Well I did, they are small though and with regular maintenance I believe the tank will be fine. That is key...Regular maintenance. Just be observant of your tank to catch any problems when it happens, not after.
Now on to the fish. I brought home this afternoon 3 Serpae Tetras. At my LFS I was asking what would go well with Zebra Danios. I was told almost any barbs and tetras. I also wanted with a different body shape from Danios as a bit of contrast and Serpae Tetras, which I happened to be looking at, was recommended.
There are accounts that these guys are fin nippers and some say they are not. Most common case of fin nipping seems to be around feeding time. Some websites report that they can go into a feeding frenzy, much like a Piranha, and nip fins of other fish. Actually it seems that this Tetra, not only come from the same region of the world as Piranhas, but are related to Piranhas. Piranhas are just big Tetras. Much like another fish I found named Pacu that people think are Piranhas but eat like bananas and stuff. Anyway(starting to go off on a tangent)...
Another reason I chose this fish is that the Serpae Tetra swims in the mid to lower level of the tank. My Danios are top swimmers so I needed lower swimming fish with a slightly different body shape. I think they be a nice addition to my tank. These fish will be the last for now. After this, if all goes well, I plan on getting a 20 gal long tank and move my Danios and Tetras into that.
As for possible future plans for my 10 gal planted, I was thinking of leaving in my Pleco and adding a Betta and an African Dwarf Frog.
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